Balancing & Bugfixes - Update 1.2.0


We made some changes to various parts of the game to improve balance and make it more Fun to play.


Edema (Edeema)

  • Renamed to Edema


  • Changed spread multiplier from 210%  + 25% * bullets to 1.75 * (0.6numberOfBullets
  • Increased damage multiplier from 55% to 70%
  • Increased knockback multiplier from 75% to 85%


  • Added recoil multiplier: 95%


  • Increased mining speed multiplier from 120% to 135%

Concussive Blast

  • Increased knockback multiplier from 120% to 140%
  • Added spread multiplier: 105%

Forceful Interjection

  • Added movement speed multiplier: 110%


  • Decreased Miniscule Enemy Spider's hit box size slightly so that it can fit in 1/1 spaces
  • Armed individuals now have significantly increased spread, fire rate, reload time, and clip size was reduced from 20 to 9.  Backup ammo range was reduced from 10-30 to 6-24

World Generation

  • Player should no longer spawn in walls

Bug Fixes/Quality of Life

  • Added space bar to the bindings for jump
  • Made reload sound audible for both enemy and player
  • Improved player hit box to allow for easier access to two block high spaces
  • Beating the boss no longer stops the epic music
  • Beating the boss results in a win screen instead of a death screen
  • Fixed a bug where mining multipliers only affected the mining sound and not the actual mining speed

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