Balancing & Bugfixes - Update 1.1.0


We made some changes to various parts of the game to improve balance and make it more Fun to play.


Edeema (Intercranial Growths)

  • Renamed to Edeema
  • Increased health additive from 1 to 2
  • Increased spread multiplier from 105% to 110%


  • Changed bullet increase from +1 to *2
  • Changed spread multiplier from 105% to 210%  + 25% * bullets
  • Added damage multiplier: 55%
  • Added knockback multiplier: 75%
  • Knockback is added per bullet so knockback to player from shooting still increases by 50%


  • Increased damage multiplier from 102.5% to 115%
  • Increased fire period multiplier from 102.5% to 125%
  • Decreased spread multiplier from 97.5% to 92.5%
  • Added magazine size multiplier: 110%


  • Taking Adderall at 1 or less health will now kill the player
  • Decreased reload time multiplier from 95% to 80%
  • Decreased fire period multiplier from 97.5% to 92.5%
  • Increased recoil multiplier from 105% to 125%
  • Decreased spread multiplier from 97.5% to 85%
  • Increased mining speed multiplier from 102.5% to 120%
  • Increased speed multiplier from 102.5% to 120%

Lethal Brooding

  • Increased damage multiplier from 105% to 120%
  • Increased recoil multiplier from 105% to 120%
  • Decreased spread multiplier from 95% to 90%
  • Added magazine size multiplier: 120%

Concussive Blast

  • Increased knockback multiplier from 102.5% to 120%

Forceful Interjection

  • Increased knockback multiplier from 105% to 110%
  • Increased damage multiplier from 102.5% to 110%
  • Added movement speed multiplier: 110%


  • Max amount of enemies increased from 25 to 35
  • Max enemies in an area before spawning is prevented increased from 3 to 4
  • Min spawn radius decreased from 20 to 18

World Generation

  • Increased chests per generation from 70 to 100
  • Decreased ammo boxes per generation from 140 to 100

Bug Fixes/Quality of Life

  • Fixed bug where key had a chance of existing in the normal item pool.
  • Changed the chances of getting a key from being relative to the max amount of chests in the game to being relative to 35. This makes the key much more common.
  • Fixed bug where bullets would collide with each other and prevent some bullets from colliding with a wall or enemy and breaking. 
  • Enemy bullets and player bullets now destroy each other on collision
  • Beating the boss results in a win screen instead of a death screen
  • Fixed bug where enemies would clip over each other due to being in the same layer. (This bug is not fixed for the individuals).
  • Minor changes to the blood and goop particles.(More particles, faster decay, less bounciness)
  • Fixed a bug where player bullets could phase through the individuals.
  • Different particle effects will no longer clip over each other
  • Fixed bug where bullets would knock enemies back relative to their rigidbody2D mass and velocity and the collision knockback that is programmed.
  • Reduced knockback on the y axis to characters hit by bullets to be 1/35 of the x knockback.
  • Increased starting knockback slightly
  • Increased the players clip size from 20 to 30


Encephaloexcavation 1.1.0 35 MB
Apr 28, 2021

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